Welcome to South Haven Press! I’m so glad that you stopped by. This site started as a way to inspire homeschoolers with creative educational products.

How it all Started
I have always had an interest in miniatures, crafts, books and sewing. Over the 19 years that I spent homeschooling my four children, I found ways of incorporating these interests into my teaching. I ran many homeschool co-op groups in which we did many creative hand-on projects. This kept the kids engaged and interested in learning.
Clothespin People
I grew up in a household without a television. Our parents encouraged my brothers and I to have hobbies and to read lots of books. My hobby was a dollhouse and my brothers had model trains. I would spend hours making tiny miniatures for my dollhouse or helping my older brother do scenery for his train layout. My father even made me a dollhouse with working lights! My oldest was only 5 when I came up with the idea of Clothespin People. We would research clothing and hair styles for the culture that we were studying and create dolls for the time period. A nice break from book work and a fun activity to do with a co-op.
Felt & Flannel
A full two decades passed since I invented the Clothespin People for my preschool playgroup. I once again found myself running a playgroup for preschoolers and was looking for an exciting way for them to learn Bible stories. That is when the idea of making flannelgraphs popped into my head. I bought myself a Cricut cutting machine and am having tons of fun creating little felt pieces for telling stories and making pizza!
I also enjoy reading good novels, and making things look good in print. This is probably why I found such enjoyment in publishing my children’s books. My children are pretty much grown up, and my homeschooling days are now over. I figure it is time to start giving back and to share some of the things I have learned along the way with others.
I trust that some of the ideas on this site will be a blessing to you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. If you would like to be kept in the loop about new products, sales or other exciting developments, please subscribe below to our mailing list.